- Semi spreading.
- Recommended for kharif season (For Gujarat State)
- Dark green foliage with broad leaves.
- Higher fodder yield.
- Medium plant height plant.
- High yielding variety developed by Company’s Research Department.
- Uniform height and uniform main stem.
- Fruiting from base of plant in bunches
- Flowering around 25 to 28 days, first harvesting is around 37-40 days.
- Plant Habit : Nranched Plants
- Plant Height : 90-95 cm
- Suitable for monsoon, Semi-Rabi and Summer cultivation.
- Capsule setting from base of the plants at close interval.
- Bold size Seed with yellow seed coat is distinctness of variety.
- High Oil and Protein Content
- Tolerant to major pests & diseases i.e.Alternaria Blight and Green Mosaic
- Highly Tolerant to pod Shattering.