- Semi spreading.
- Recommended for kharif season (For Gujarat State)
- Dark green foliage with broad leaves.
- Higher fodder yield.
- Medium plant height plant.
- Plant Habit : Nranched Plants
- Plant Height : 90-95 cm
- Suitable for monsoon, Semi-Rabi and Summer cultivation.
- Capsule setting from base of the plants at close interval.
- Bold size Seed with yellow seed coat is distinctness of variety.
- High Oil and Protein Content
- Tolerant to major pests & diseases i.e.Alternaria Blight and Green Mosaic
- Highly Tolerant to pod Shattering.
- Early uniform maturity within 100 days and does well even in late sowing condition is possibly due to its tolerance to higher temperature condition at the time of grain filling stage which is extremely desirable trait (It’s a distinctness of variety).
- Medium plant height (85-95 cm.)
- 8-10 number of effective tillers
- Distinctness of variety is big size seeds of Browny –Black Colour.
- Uniform plant growth with 10 to 11 Branches & 23-25 sub branches per plant.
- Medium plant height about 140 cm.
- Siliquae are long and thick.